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Hi to Nicky from Starbucks, Athens. Please click the button below and do not forget to send me an email! Many thanks. Andy.

These are draft versions! Please send me any errors so I can complete the work. Thanks Andy.
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These are draft versions! Please send me any errors so I can complete the work. Thanks Andy.
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The money setup of Europe guarantees increasing debt to the Keynsian Endpoint. The point at which the Tax Department becomes a collection agency for the banks. The point at which debt repayment exceeds tax revenue.
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Our current financial system has left us with the highest personal debt in history, unaffordable housing, worsening inequality, high unemployment and banks that are subsidised and underwritten with taxpayers’ money. Positive Money is a movement to democratise money and banking so that it works for society and not against it.
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Jubilee Debt Campaign is part of a global movement demanding freedom from the slavery of unjust debts and a new financial system that puts people first. Inspired by the ancient concept of ‘jubilee’, we campaign for a world where debt is no longer used as a form of power by which the rich exploit the poor.
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For millions of people around the world, prospects for a better future are buried under old debts. In the 1960s and 70s, developed nations and the international institutions loaned millions upon millions of dollars to countries that had no capability of paying them back. The loans were presented as a means to development and poverty alleviation. In reality, it was more like political commerce, trying to buy the alliance of commodity rich countries across the developing world. Creditors agreed to give money to administrations and dictators that were known to be corrupt and non-democratic. They funded projects that were of no benefit to the people, but which were profitable for the companies involved, and for the corrupt elites in the developing nations. Interest rates shot up in 1979 making interest payments unmanageable. The debtor nations took out new loans to make debt repayments. The living conditions of the most deprived people in the world have deteriorated almost everywhere over the last twenty years. Yet wealthy governments and international financial institutions never cease to demand the repayment of those debts.
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Rolling Jubilee is a Strike Debt project that buys debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, abolishes it. Together we can liberate debtors at random through a campaign of mutual support, good will, and collective refusal. Debt resistance is just the beginning.
US Tuition Debt is over $1 000 000 000 000.

of American households are in debt.

of all bankruptcies are caused by medical debt.

Student debt has exploded.

1 in every 7 Americans is being pursued by a debt collector.

of indebted households used credit cards to pay for basic living expenses.
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The Move Your Money campaign -- the ongoing effort to encourage mega-bank customers to move their money to local institutions has had great success. The Occupy movement’s outrage over Wall Street ran a Bank Transfer Day on 5 November. ~5.6 million customers moved their money.
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The Robin Hood Tax is a tiny tax (0.05%) on banks, hedge funds and other finance institutions. Levied on foreign exchange transactions, derivatives and share deals, it could raise hundreds of billions of dollars annually.

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You were probably told that the French Revolution was about ideals. It wasn't. It was about money, economics and control. and
You were probably told that Waterloo and Trafalgar were against enemy nations. It wasn't. It was about banking and control of money.
It is a common practice to create a crisis and then provide the solution. But Napoleon didn't like what they were doing and took control. For a while. He saved France from the bankers, but only for a while.
The Internet is the "wild card" where you can find out other versions of the truth, rather than the one the history books want you to believe.
You were probably told the European Union was for the benefit of the people. But what you got was control by a banking system. A banking system that guarantees that you get into debt that you cannot repay.
Europe appears to have 2.5 times more debt than money.
Debt = €23 000B (billion 1 000 000 000)
Money Supply M3 = €9 700B
The National Debt Clock lists National Debt for France as €1 800B.
Interest is ~€53 billion

No austerity program is going to fix this.
No bailout loans are going to fix this. A bailout is another loan which makes the overall situation worse.
France has an ever increasing debt and you have no chance of ever paying back.
Only debt forgiveness commonly called a Jubilee and the creation of debt free money for France. Simon Thorpe has a facinating solution. 
France’s Liabilities at the ECB = €425B
A central bank is supposed to help nations not get them indebted. Money is simply exchange coupons manufactured from nothein at will. For all these nations to be in debt to the ECB is nonsense. At lease the average debt to the ECB should be zero. It is not zero. It is a nonsense for a nation to be in debt to a bank for virtual money coupons which can be manufactured our of thin air by the nation itself. It is obvious the virtual money coupons by looking at the massive expansion of the money supply over the years all credited to private banking corproations. And as the money supply expands, the debt of the nations to the banking system increases to match. To ad insult to injury, interest is charged on the virtual money created by the banks.
Who expands the money supply? The banks. What expands at the same rate? The debt. Can we pay off the debt? No. It would destroy the money supply making the remaining debt still owing with no money to pay it.
ZeroHedge "True French Debt"

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Public Banking -- it already works in the United States and is catching on! Twenty States are considering some form of state banking legislation.
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You are in debt for virtual money that did not exist until the person that lent it to you, created it out of nothing. Then the same person charged interest on the virtual money that appeared out of nowhere. There is now more debt then money so someone will default on this non-existent virtual money. Lender now owns your house because you are stupid enough to believe that you owe him money that never existed before he lent you the money.
In fact you can actually create money your self. Its called the LETS scheme.
lets + scheme + money + creation
But a better way is to stop the corportate banks creating debt money and create money direct form Treasury in the same way that treasury creates the Australian coins. Or create money from a government public bank.
public + bank
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“Loans alone cannot sustain the money supply because they zero out when they get paid back. In order to keep money in the system, some major player has to incur substantial debt that never gets paid back; and this role is played by the federal government.”
Ellen Brown in Web of Debt
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Ralph Hawtrey
�Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing.�
[Ralph M. Hawtrey, Former Secretary Of The British Treasury]
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Today we face a crushing burden of foreclosures, dropping incomes, and a financial elite that has bought our government. The elite consensus is powerful enough to prevent change, no matter who is elected. The situation seems, at least in electoral terms, hopeless. Yet, America has been here before, and has shown remarkable resilience in the darkest of times. br>
So just how do we get the debate we deserve? How do we root out the corruption, greed, and fraud in our system? Clearly, the root of much evil in our system of government comes from the financing of political campaigns by powerful interests. And the Supreme Court has said that money is speech, and thus, protected by the Constitution. So we must pass a Constitutional amendment to speak back to the Supreme Court, and assert the primacy of government by the people.
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Derivatives: The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks

Who Loaned Greece the Money

Cyprus Financial Crisis: Deposit Confiscation

Illusion of Insured Bank Deposits

Food Stamp Nation

Presidential Elections

World In Debt

Cost of War

European Debt
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